Sweat, move & smile with us!
° Register/ Cancel with ease
° Keeps tabs on personal history
° Save $$ on rentals
° 'App-only' Offers & Deals
° Drink electrolytes 30 min. before class
° Bring water (or a water bottle)
° We have filtered water dispenser
° You can drink during class too!
° Mat and towel are required
° Mat & towel rentals are $3 each
° Prepay for rentals on app SAVE $1 each
° You will sweat a lot - dress appropriately
° Take it easy. Take breaks as needed.
° Take the pressure off yourself
° It takes a few classes to get used to heat
° Feel free to leave the room as needed
Hang out with us. Get a feel for the Body Temp vibe!
We suggest trying the HOT 26 Yoga class first.
The poses are for everyone and are all easily modifiable. No wrist or shoulder bearing postures. And our take on this Bikram Yoga style is compassionate and personalized. You get to figure out what feels right for you.
Unfortunately, we do not have showers.
Our studio was the second Bikram studio to open in SF many years ago. The building is very old.
Each class varies in temperature.
Our class temperatures range from 92°F to 107°F depending on the class style.
Our temperatures vary according to the size of class and how hot or humid it is. The temperature settings are always approximate.
We do!
Our Head to Toe Rolling and any of our Yin classes are unheated. These are the best classes to unwind, reset and relax the body and mind.
There is no minimum commitment.
We trust in the honor system. If you know you're only here for one month then we hope you do our 1 Month Unlimited Non-Renewing Membership.
We allow for 2 freezes a year but if there extenuating circumstances - and if you're real nice to Chadd - then we'll work with you.
Body Temp Yoga + Wellness
Body Temp Yoga + Wellness
Body Temp Yoga + Wellness